Evictions Likely to Remain on Hold in Guilford County

Feb 24, 2020


As of the latest developments in Guilford County, it is expected that evictions will continue to be on hold until June 1. This decision comes as part of ongoing efforts to provide relief to individuals and families who may be experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 312 Marketing, a trusted provider of marketing and advertising services in Guilford County, is here to help businesses and consumers navigate these challenging times.

The Impact of the Hold on Evictions

The temporary hold on evictions in Guilford County has been put in place to protect tenants who are struggling to pay their rent due to job loss, reduced income, or other financial difficulties resulting from the pandemic. This measure helps prevent homelessness and provides individuals and families some breathing room to get back on their feet. It is crucial for landlords and tenants to understand the implications of this hold and the rights and obligations it entails.

Understanding Tenants' Rights and Obligations

During the hold on evictions, tenants in Guilford County cannot be evicted for non-payment of rent. However, it is important to note that this does not absolve tenants from their obligation to pay rent. Tenants are still responsible for fulfilling their rent payments, and any missed payments will accumulate as arrears. Landlords are encouraged to work with their tenants to establish payment plans and explore available resources to support those facing financial difficulties.

How 312 Marketing Can Help

312 Marketing understands the challenges businesses and consumers face during these unprecedented times. Our team of experts can assist businesses in developing effective marketing strategies to ensure their message reaches their target audience. Whether it's online advertising, social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), or website development, we have the expertise to help you reach your marketing goals.

For consumers, we offer valuable resources and information on financial assistance programs, government initiatives, and community support services. We can guide you through the available resources that may help alleviate your financial burden and provide you with the necessary tools to make informed decisions.

Why Choose 312 Marketing?

With years of experience in the marketing and advertising industry, 312 Marketing has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses and consumers in Guilford County. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices, ensuring our clients receive the highest quality services.

Contact Us Today

To learn more about how 312 Marketing can assist your business or provide support to individuals and families in Guilford County, please contact us today. Our dedicated team is ready to help you navigate these challenging times and develop strategies that will set you up for success in the future.